Tim Hines Ministries

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2017 Word of the Lord

Dear Partners, Merry Christmas Partners. We pray that your Thanksgiving season was a great one. It’s hard for me to be writing the last newsletter of the year. Like so many, this year seems to have flown by. It’s been a vary productive year, hundreds of people have come to know Jesus as their Lord and savior. Countless others have been healed and delivered. Healings have been prevalent in praise and worship this year. I have been trying to share with the church the necessity of learning how to host the presence of the Lord, and be lead by the Spirit. I want you to know that in churches that will be bold enough to allow the Lord to have His way, miracles will be the main staple in the years to come. ( 1 Cor. 12:28 ) Break through of many variety’s, the baptism of the Holy Ghost, changed marriages, business’ and personal finances changed by the presence and power of God. When I look back over the year, I stand in complete awe of what the Lord has done. It is a honor and a joy to be in full time service for the Lord. We launched our first prayer summit this year. And we also have plans for our next gathering. It will be in June of 2018. Our sons ministry has been so productive. Out third sons meeting took place in Orlando, Fl. Where we had 26 people under roof four three days. What a time in the Lord. His presence was so powerful and many life changing things happened. Our Apostle, Dan Dyer and his family made their third pilgrimage to this event, where they made life lasting deposits into our sons and their wives. Many new beginnings are being carried out from this event. I have begin writing a new book. The Lord enlighten me with a subject and a title. The book will be titled, “From the depth of His understanding, the romance of prayer”. I look forward to listening to the Lord and pinning revelation that future generations will be influenced by. What a great year it’s been. Through all the tests, trials and tribulations, Jesus is Lord. This is the only time of the year that we ask all who receive from our ministry, to do something special. You all know that traveling at this time of the year is hard. Churches need to enjoy the holiday season, and I need to be home with my family. So please pray about sowing a special seed this month. If you know me, you know that it’s hard for me to ask for something. I’d rather be the one giving, but there comes a time where we all need help. And we at Tim Hines Ministries, are in that season. Thank you for your prayerful consideration. Finishing what I have started has always been our thrust. Our catch phrase around here is, “finishing strong”. I feel that until Jesus returns, we will have multiple harvest seasons in our lives. I believe that we have arrived at one of the greatest seasons that the earth will ever experience. And our roll in this will be simple. For five years now, I have watched the church find itself in a word test. ( Ps. 105:22 ) My greatest concern is that the church is not ready. Like the wheat among the tares, God has been asking us just to bow before Him. When the wheat gets top heavy with fruit, it bows over. Yielding to the Lord, letting Him have His way, growing from this meeting , and moving with the Holy Spirit is all that He has been seeking. The hour will require all of this! All three of my books are now on the website ready to be down loaded: timhinesministries.com “The new flash drive is now available.” If you would like one, please include a separate check made out to: Tim Hines, for $25.00 and we will gladly send it to you! Thank you so much for your faithful giving. Please give online at www.timhinesministries.com through PayPal Help us win our world to Jesus! Your Servants in His Service, The Hines