Tim Hines Ministries

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Chasing the Word of the Lord for 2020 (December Newsletter)

Dear Partners,             “Merry Christmas”

We pray that this holiday season is blessed with family, friends, and fellowship that centers around our Lord. Jodi and I can’t thank you enough for your faithful support over the last year. I know that all that has taken place, and still yet to unfold has been challenging. The pandemic, the quarantine, coronavirus, the election, and the challenges going forward, it all has been very different. How I foresaw this last year has not turned out the way I expected it to. It’s called me to trust the Lord more so now than ever before. But one thing we can all settle into is, that our God is good. He doesn't change, He is the same yesterday and forever therefore we are not consumed. (Heb. 13) I have learned a truth through this season, that God is God and all that I do for Him is for my benefit. God does not need me to pray or do any other thing that I think I need to do for God to change. Should I pray or should I give, of course. But my obedience to conform to His ways doesn’t change Him, it changes me. He has proposed for our lives the opportunity to learn His ways and be transformed in the process. All this has placed us on a path, and if followed, His ways will position us to be blessed in a cursed world. So I am very grateful that the Lord has placed our ministry in your hearts. Your obedience has allowed us to travel and serve the Body of Christ. It has allowed us to obey the God you are obeying by supporting our cause. To bring a revelatory word, to bring healing and deliverance, and to win souls. Prophecy, prosperity, healing, all of these things are wonderful to help us in this life, but souls are the only thing that we can take to heaven. Harvesting the earth, delivering creation from the curse of disobedience is and will always be our primary call. So thank you once again for all that you do, we pray that together we can be more fruitful in this next year than we have been in this year. I want to begin to share with you what the Lord has been sharing with me. A couple of months ago I was preaching at a church in New York when in the middle of my sermon, I experienced a short vision. I saw the hand of our Father closing the door of Noah’s ark. (Gen. 7) I asked the Lord what the meaning of this vision was, and He said; “I’m inviting the righteous into a place of protection from the judgment that’s coming.” This sent me into a study on doors. Not long after the vision, the Lord said to me, “The day of dichotomy is here.”This word dichotomy means the splitting of a whole thing into two parts. The Lord began to talk with me about a remnant, and in the future, we will talk about these things in greater detail.  December is the only month that we ask all those who receive our monthly Newsletter to please sow a seed of support. I take this month off for three reasons, one, to be with my family for the holidays. Two, to rest from a long year of traveling and giving to the Body of Christ. December allows me to work around my own home and accomplish the honey-do list that my wife has for me. And three, to refuel for the New Year. So please give online, through PayPal or by way of mail: P.O. Box 3416 Homosassa Springs, Fl. 34447. Thank You!

                                 The harvest waits on us! Win souls

Please give online at www.timhinesministries.com    

Your servants in His service, The Hines’