Tim Hines Ministries

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Chasing the Word of the Lord for 2020 (November Newsletter)

Dear Partners,

“Happy Thanksgiving to you and your families.” The holiday seasons are upon us, and personally, I love this time of the year. I have so much to share with you and only two months to share it. I want you ready for the first of the year. You have heard my heart in this foundational year, I pray that we have taken heed. Now I desire to let you know what needs to happen to go into the future. This pause in our way of life, our government, our society has been an “if need be,” moment. (1Pet. 1:6)  The Lord has taken this time to instruct the church and to get us back on track. People normally won't be willing to listen to the Lord until they have to, and then it’s normally too late. The day of dichotomy is here, a division or contrast between two things. We are no longer futuristically preaching, the book of Revelation in many ways has taken place. The promise of His return has been seen in the last six months. (2 Pet. 3:3-4) Verbalization like New World order and common currency is used openly and not hidden any longer. Much less all the other agendas planned by the liberals and socialists. I pray that you vote for our present President. God has shared with me, and I have shared with you, what we must be doing to develop and mature for the days ahead. We must return to praise, win souls, and disciple them into the local body, and we must “all” participate in the ministry of helps. These three areas of developing the believer can not be avoided any longer. It’s time for the church to be interested in what God is interested in. We must be a people doing what the church has been called to do while on the earth. By doing so, I feel that the Lord is offering souvenir protection. I was preaching a couple of weeks back and my eyes were open to a quick vision. I saw the hand of God closing the door on Noah’s ark. I asked the Lord, what does this mean, what are you trying to say to me? He said; “I’m sealing the righteous in this generation, in a safe place. This act of protection will provide security in the days to come.” In Gen. 6:8, Noah found grace with the Lord. Noah was a just man and was perfect in his generation. Noah walked with God. In chapter seven, verse one, the Bible tells us that Noah’s family was righteous before the Lord as well. God tells Noah to go into this safe place and then all of creation who had the breath of God in them followed. And God’s hand closed the door behind them.Ez. 14:14, Even if these three men, Noah, Daniel, and Job, were in it (talking about that present-day) they would deliver only themselves by their righteousness, says the Lord. Noah, because he believed God and prepared for something he had never seen before. Daniel refused to bow to Babylonian idols and was thrown into the lion's den. God didn’t deliver him from it, He joined him in it. Daniel went on to foretell of days still to be seen. Job, said, I will stay consistent in my walk with the Lord in good times and in bad, and God restored Job. (Job 42:10) I can’t even begin to tell you how important it is to be completely obedient to the Lord. Mordecai’s counsel to Queen Ester rings loud to the Body of Christ today, we have been appointed by God to live in such a time as this. I feel that compliance with the Lord's plan and His will, will save God’s people. We will talk more about the day of dichotomy in next month's newsletter. The Father is closing some doors this year and opening some doors that at other times and in other days weren’t supposed to be closed or open! (Is. 22:22)                          The harvest waits on us! Win Souls

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                                                                                    Your servants in His service, the Hines’