Tim Hines Ministries

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Chasing the Word of the Lord for 2020 (April Newsletter)

                Chasing the Word of the Lord for 2020

Dear Partners, 

The last time we talked, we were looking at both Moses’ and Joshua’s invitation to join the Lord on different grounds. We established that both of them were being required to take off their sandals. Servants in the O.T. didn’t wear shoes, so there is an identity being established here. These men were looked at as leaders, yes, but also sons of God and only sons wore shoes. Every good leader wants their sons to lead correctly, and for this to happen we have to live going forward. Leaving our previous walk with the Lord or the last season that God had us in, is just part of growing. Going from season to season, faith to faith, glory to glory. Every new introduction gives us an opportunity to grow and know Him better. The ground that they were being invited to was called holy. One of my favorite definitions for this word means, “a cut above.” As they were standing on ground that only the Lord stood on, it required them to step up. Our invitations from the Lord require the same for us. As we join Him where He is, we must elevate in our maturity and character. Actually being exposed to this type of atmosphere and influence pulls out of us what the Lord has placed in us. When the nation of Israel was going in circles for thirty-eight years, there was a miracle of Mana given to them by the Lord every day. They didn't have to work for it at all, a gift from God for their provision. This Season thou came to an end when it was time for Joshua to lead this nation into their promise land. Under this new administration, they were required to apply the law that Moses received from the Lord, themselves. In our relationship with the Kingdom of God, we are required to apply fresh instructions from a fresh moment. Just like Israel, there will come a time when the miracles of the last movement will stop. And we will be required to comply with the present order of God. If we have any types of works in our life it would be prayer and fasting, the study and application of the Word of God, and conviction and repentance. Yes, there are things required to see miracles on a daily basis. I'll show you my faith by my works, and my works will reveal my faith. The day of getting something for nothing is over. Like the five foolish virgins and the five wise, five knew how to keep oil in their lamps, and five didn’t. It’s a natural progression to want to watch, and then there are others who want to stay before the Lord and operate out of revelation. The ones who want to watch thou will always be wanting to borrow from those that birth. One group rises head and shoulders above the rest and the other lags behind. We are in this type of transition season now. I exhort you to be the one who knows the God of this hour, He’s the one who knows what is next. Be open to trusting Him, and stepping out in obedience. He is just as secure today as He has ever been. I have a passion in my heart that wants to see younger generations do what is right before the Lord and not do things like the previous generations before them. But always being willing to do the work of the Kingdom correctly. I haven’t picked up the burden of this transition, but I am praying into it. Fathers can only model a proper example and pray that the younger in the faith can see their integrity. Mal. 4:6, a true prophetically driven spirit in the heart of a father is to try and connect their hearts to the hearts of their children. Through this function, a relationship forged by a Holy ghost bond keeps intruders away. Younger ministers in their vision stage of life will not entertain doctrines of demons or chase doctrines of men. You know, what is popular but isn’t God. A prophetic church is what we need especially in the first two or three years of this new decade. I love you all!

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Thank you. The Hines’