Tim Hines Ministries

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Chasing the Word of the Lord for 2020 (September Newsletter)

Dear Partner,

Hello, I am so thankful for the people that the Lord has brought into our lives. You support the work of the ministry and you pray for our success; I am grateful. Answers to prayer this last month, some new doors of opportunity have come open. I was in touch with two Pastors in the Amarillo, Tx, area. Both have developed into return trips. One of these new leads has been through a troubled season. Apparently, the former Pastor was not much of an example in numerous ways. The present Pastor had me in based upon two other Pastors recommending me. Of course, this present Pastor was skeptical but still open because he too just needed to be able to trust again. Well the Lord gave me a wholesome word for that church, and He wrapped His arms around that congregation, it was awesome to see. Eight people gave their hearts to the Lord and many received breakthroughs. The pastor has invited me back to do a revival this next year. I have also been invited to preach in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and Las Vegas, Nevada next year. This new Pastor in Amarillo is a flagship church for an organization that wants me to go to some of their churches. In a time where our nation is gripped by fear of disease and wickedness coming from government parties, God is healing and delivering. So, I say all of that to say this, I am grateful for your prayers and support, God is doing a new and great thing.

We have been looking at the storyline in Matthew 15. Jesus has told His disciples that “He” wants to feed the four thousand people and their families that have been with Him for three days. Any revelation from the Lord has the ability to feed the entire family. I feel and believe that the Lord factors into each year all that we will need to be successful. Provision is attached to every dream, why, when you're having a God dream, it is God dreaming about you and sharing it with you. The disciples where about to get a bird’s eye view on how to represent the Lord in the future. Jesus askes His disciples, “what do you have?” They said two fish and seven loaves. The disciples also said, “where could we buy enough food to feed so many, we are in the wilderness?” The keyword here is Where. Jesus was getting ready to show them that what they already had was the very thing He was going to use to work a miracle. I think that this truth rings our today, what we already have, the Holy Spirit will use to manifest a miracle. The disciples were under the influence of the wilderness and the lack that the circumstance provided. Jesus needed to bring them and what they had under the influence of His provision. I have said it before, and I will say it again, we do not need to look back to go forward. All that happens when the Lord shows us a little more of Himself is that we see and understand the fullness of God that we have already been made part of. In today’s church world, we need this type of influence desperately. We possess the future in our spirit man. We are one revelation away from a fresh move. But remember, it is more of Him being revealed or more of Him that is already there. When I say that the Pauline revelation can be built on this is what I am talking about. Paul the Apostle caught a revelation of Him and built on what was already there. It is the same today, draw close to the Holy Ghost and He will open our hearts to more of Himself. Please win souls, the harvest waits on you!

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  Your servants in His service, The Hine’s