Tim Hines Ministries

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Chasing the Word of the Lord for 2021 (September Newsletter)

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                       Chasing the Word of the Lord for 2021

Dear Partners, I pray that this month’s newsletter finds you blessed. We are looking At conviction, repentance, and forgiveness. “The understanding of the power of forgiveness. Conviction is the highest form of intervention, repentance is responding to the unconditional love of God, and forgiveness is true unadulterated liberty. Yet the church today does not preach and teach in a way that the present-day believer encounters the presence of the lord in such a way that there is change. The light of truth coming alongside today's saints and giving the right to parallel its truth with the nature of the way we may be living. I believe that we can’t pray beyond what we do not understand, so how can we live any other way than in the understanding of where we are at. There are seven Psalms of repentance and the number seven represents completion. (Ps.6, 32,38,51,102,130,143)  Notice that Ps. 51 is in the middle of the pack. David’s repentance from an affair that led to murder and the death of a child. In David’s anguish of repentance, he says that the Lord is close to the brokenhearted and a contrite spirit. When there is true repentance in our lives the Lord is more likely to be closer to us than at any other time. Why? The enemy of our soul will be there to condemn us for our actions. The Holy Spirit will be there to hold us to true character, and I will tell you that you can’t pre-order character, and require us to be accountable. This is called being responsible. Is. 48:10, says, Behold I have refined you but not as silver; I have tested you in the furnace of affliction, for My own sake, for my own sake I will do it, for how should My name be profaned? And I will not give My glory to another. Silver is a harder element than other elements. It is required to be in the fire of refinement longer. In this case, the refinement is to stop the cycle of afflictions. (Please read Lev. 5:1-5, Is. 63:8-9, Mal. 3:2-3) Trauma will be triggered by something familiar to the trauma. I feel one of the present-day works of the Lord is to change the behavior of the church especially when it becomes contrary to the present-day expression of the Lord to the church. No more repetitive behavior that keeps us trapped in a revolving door. The pattern can be broken. We need to learn to invite Luke 4:18 into the equation. Is. 12:6, says, The words of the Lord are pure words; like silver tried in a furnace of earth, Purified seven times. Seven is the biblical number of completion. Being convicted and repenting of old behavior not only allows us to be forgiven, but it allows the word of God spoken over our lives the right to happen. There is a heart produced through this process that shows fruits of righteousness. (Lev. 10:3) A perception that releases the potential of God in our lives. There can be self-affliction that comes when we might judge what we do not fully understand, this is where developed character comes from when we repent of making bad decisions, and then there is an affliction that just comes from this life. Conviction, repentance, and living in forgiveness will be our refuge and protection in this life. If I was loved while I was a sinner, Rom. 5:7, how much more am I loved now that I am His. Please give online thru PayPal. A dollar a day, $30.00 Thank