Tim Hines Ministries

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Chasing the Word of the Lord for 2022 (February Newsletter)

                              Chasing the Word of the Lord for 2022

Dear Partners,

The first month of the year is already in the books. I think it goes without saying that, the older you get the faster time seems to go by. We must strike when the iron is hot, and I believe there isn’t any better time than in the moment, I feel that our moment is in the now. The first Sunday of December, of last year, I was at a church in Ft. Walton Beach, Fl. And the Lord spoke to my heart. He said that the first seal of the scroll was ready to be open again. I believe as many do that the book of Revelation is both futuristic as well as perpetual. Look back at the beginning of the pandemic, forced quarantine, work, and travel restrictions, food being rationed at the grocery store. Coin shortages, suicides and escalated domestic and social violence, riots, and now train robberies. Many are saying that the activity and conduct of some people in our country are like third-world behavior. An increase in crime is the result of defunding the police department, and now we are watching our government give citizens a mandate to vaccinate or lose their place of employment. Russia and the possibility of an invasion into the country of Ukraine. The U.N. As well as the United States not sure of what to do about the situation. I believe that we are in the year of the Prophets, so if you have a proven prophetic relationship in your life, please listen to what God is saying. We need the real prophetic office influencing the church and the world today, not men and women who are afraid of backlash, and persecution. I’m not trying to scare anyone, I’m trying to inform everyone. The plagues of Egypt are seen in the book of Revelation but on a global scale. The Lord wants us to know that He is offering protection in an uncertain and unstable time. Just Like Israel living in the land of Goshen, they were in the midst of the plagues, but not affected by them. How will this protection plan work, by the church doing what the church has always been called to do, evangelize the world. Ps. 91:2, says, He is my refuge and my fortress, Ver. 3, says, He shall deliver you from the snare of the Fowler. Ver. 9, says because you have made the Lord, who is my refuge, even the Most High, your dwelling place. I am watching all that the agenda of this hour is producing, moving people to seek resolution. People right now are more open and will continue to be open to God's plan for their lives. The church is called into a plan that is bigger than the last season of instructions. All that God offers a human being, from eternity to healing and prosperity, are all in the origin of salvation. In this new year, already there is new teaching starting to circulate to entertain God's people to keep them from what develops us, it’s called, “The Watchers.” Fallen angels ready to breed with human women to produce a race of people that do not need God. Can we please not chase any more sensationalism and start chasing our real call. Let’s not make any more excuses why we can’t or won’t tell someone about Jesus. Let’s stop avoiding our responsibilities in His house, the ministry of helps. We can only grow so much by hearing the word of God preached each week. Our real form of growth comes when we are involved with the two ministries that the Lord has given to every believer, the ministry of reconciliation, 2 Cor. 5, and the ministry of helps, 1 Cor. 12. We don’t get to choose one or the other, they are both of our responsibilities. I want you to grow.

I am excited to share with you what is in my heart for 2022, Jodi and I agree it will be a year of accomplishments. Please give online thru PayPal: Tim Hines ministries.com

Help us win one soul a day for His glory! We love you, the Hines’