Chasing the Word of the Lord (April's Newsletter)
Dear Partners,
I will be finishing a word that the Lord has given me for this year, in this letter. Next month we will launch out and on to a fresh word that is in my heart that will help shape this year prophetically. Prophet Bill Hammond said years ago, that from 1960 to 1970, it was the year of the Pastor and Teacher. From 1980-1990, these years where the years of the Evangelist. 2000 to 2010, this time frame belonged to the Apostle and the Prophet. But, from 2010 to the present year, we where in the time of the saint. Not the pulpit, but the pew.
In the original word that the Lord had birthed in my heart, this fact proves itself. As you know, I have always believed that the way God works is to save and disciple. To raise up and send out. To reproduce Jesus in others. The church gets comfortable when our ways aren't His ways. The first weekend of February of this year, I was in a conference when the Lord said these words to me; My thoughts are wanting to be your thoughts, and My ways are wanting to be your ways. This happens when you and I fill our hearts with His influence and take a step of faith to carry out His will. As I have already pointed out, the cloud that is carrying the rain, is not the cloud the size of a mans fist that has come off the sea. We have established the fact that we, Gods people, are symbolic to clouds. ( 1 Kgs. 18:41-46 ) Please take the time to read: James 5:7
The timing of God couldn't be anymore perfect than where we are at right now. When our nation helped the nation of Israel last year, it set off a prophetic fulfillment. When the United States helped Jerusalem to become the capital city of Israel, a rippling affect was released. God is the same yesterday, today and forever. ( Heb. 13:8 ) In 1948 the nation of Israel was once again reestablished as a nation. When the Father does something great for the nation of Israel, He does something great for the rest of His people through out the world. In 1948 a great healing and miracle move captured the world. In 1967 God intervened for His people Israel concerning the six day war. In that same year the Charismatic renewal revival shook the globe. Catholics, Presbyterians, Methodist and some many others where confessing Jesus as their Lord. They where being filled with the Holy Spirit and being healed and delivered. They where coming into the revelation of the New Covenant.
2018 places us on target with this same type of collision course with the Father. Not only our roll with helping Israel last year, but consider this as well. 2018 is the year that Israel has reached its seventieth year since 1948. Seventy is the number that means restoration and deliverance. It brings into focus a former act of the Lord of bringing His people out of seventy years of Babylonian captivity. Is. 44:28 shares with us that a man by the name of Cyrus was prophesied about that he would lead Israel out of this captivity, 2 thousand years before he would do this. The church finds herself 2 thousand years past the cross. The 2018 church is a prophetic generation with a man date. I feel that this same God is releasing on the earth a rippling effect of revival all over again.
Your Servants in His Service, The Hines
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