Tim Hines Ministries

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Chasing the Word of the Lord (May's Newsletter)

Dear Partners,
Greetings partners, this month we will begin a new journey. I will begin to share with you another dimension of what the Lord has dropped in my heart for this year. In March of 2017, the Lord spoke to me and said, “I do my best work at night.” Of course ii didn’t fully understand what the lord was conveying to me at the time. When He starts a new thing in me, I normally will sit on it for a season. In October of 2017, a prophecy came out of a well known camp of ministry, and the Lord began to reveal that America was coming into an eclipse. Most people when they hear that their headed for a dark season, get afraid, I got excited. As I followed the leading of the Spirit, Jesus started down loading to me scriptural revelation. The text was Luke 5:5, “But Lord we have toiled all night and caught nothing.” I have watched the church chase so many things over the last seven years, to try and find something that will work. I know I sound a little old school, but I’m of the persuasion that we should chase the Lord, and get our inspiration and direction from Him.
The Lord has given me strategy to navigate in the night season of Life. We have to remember that in the life of a Jewish person, that when the sun is going down, it’s the beginning of a new day. We here in the western world, do not think like this. We think that the day is over, and it’s time to go to sleep. We must realize that our night time sleep is a time of fellowship with the Lord. I’m going to share some eye opening facts with you from the Lord. I realized that the Holy Spirit was tutoring my human spirit chapters out of the Word of God, in my sleep. I told the Lord, that it was kind of freaking me out and that if this was Him, give me spiritual evidence. He took me to Job 33:14-18, please read this when you can, you’ll understand why the Lord seals instruction in our hearts at night. ( Ps. 121:4 )
I believe, not always, that the Lord speaks to us about things at night, so we won’t argue with Him. Placing the future in us, that sometimes feels like an impossibility. When we are having a God dream, we must understand that it’s the Lord dreaming about us, and sharing it with you. He is planting His designed reality in our hearts that have a appointed day attached to it. I feel that we are in a hour where the Lord is coming to make a withdrawal from what He has deposited in our hearts this year. It might not be a complete withdrawal, but this year holds many manifestations and conformations of what is in us. When our dream life becomes repetitive, your day of preparation is growing close to you. This designed type of fellowship can speed up this season. There are reasons why old men dream dreams. This activity of the Lord at night, keeps older men and women encouraged concerning complete fulfillment of what the Lord has placed within their hearts to accomplish for His glory. Your dream life is much more accurate than personal prophecy. Personal prophecy requires some one interpreting what the Lord  the Lord is revealing. Your dream life is God speaking to you directly.  Continued next month!
My schedule is posted on the website as well as on Facebook: All of my books and ministry resources are there to. 
Your Servants in His Service, The Hines  Share our ministry with a pastor who is hungry for the Lord
