Chasing the Word of the Lord for 2020 (January Newsletter)

Happy New Year. Welcome to a new decade, a new year, a new day, and a fresh revelatory perspective that will yield understanding that has been waiting on us. I have been preparing to launch a new word to the body of Christ for about four months now. I have a number of goals for this year. One, to travel and minister with a new excitement. I love the local church, and I’ve always tried to have a good word for the church. I find myself where my fore fathers found themselves when the Lord called them to introduce revelation to the body of Christ. We have a tremendous opportunity Infront of us. The Lord has been speaking to me about the healing of the soul. He has shared many truths that will introduce us to Him in a new way. I feel that knowledge, understanding and application after this healing will stimulate potential. An ability that God alone set us up for. Potential that He knew would be entered into that would release us to greater fruit. The church has the responsibility to keep before the people, a sound mind. ( 2 Tim. 1:7 ) If there is a time in history where society needs sound thinking , it’s now. A spirit of humanism, socialism and communism will always be trying to over take the public. The church must be committed to preaching and teaching God’s word without compromise. The truth of God’s word, His standard is not popular to apply. It’s not easily lived, until you see the life changing power that it brings. The need that humanity has never changes, the need for a savior. Outside of Jesus, people will pursue as many things as possible to try and satisfy something that is only designed by the Lord to fulfill. The church cannot change it’s application of God’s word and expect to see peace in society. He is the prince of peace, and for you that know Him, you know what I’m talking about. The structure of God’s word brings peace with Him. It brings peace in our relationships, our marriage. Peace, with our children, financially, and in our health. God’s standard can never be moved a way from and we expect the results that we need. Secondly, I am committed to prayer more so than before. Partners, our prayer summit is off the hook. It will be held in Cincinnati, Oh. this May. Please place this date on your calendar and try to make it. May 28-31, 2020. I will provide Hotel information to you as the date gets closer. Prayer is where it all starts. I cant thank my first spiritual father and mother in the faith enough for teaching me the value of my prayer closet. To meet with Him is where all of our potential comes from. His influence on our lives is where creativity flourish's from. I did a lot of fasting this last year, and I will be consecrated to fasting this year. If I could encourage you to seek and meet with the Lord this next year. The ability to think beyond the way we are living our lives, waits on this meeting place. In this next decade, it will be very easy to see those who have been with the Lord, and those who haven't. We will see all to clearly those in step, in cadence with the Lord, and those who are trying to get outside influence to be part of a internal walk. There will always be five foolish virgins and five wise. Spend time with Jesus and emerge wise. I cant wait to share with you all that the Lord has shared with me. It will be challenging as new truth always are.  Changing our lives to be more like His waits on all of us. Chose life today!
My schedule is posted on the website, All of my books and ministry resources are there to. We are believing for monthly partners to help us!    Please give online:, thru PayPal                       

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