Chasing the Word of the Lord for 2020 (July Newsletter)
Dear Partner,
I that where you are at things are beginning to re-open. I would say, return to normal, but I think we haven't seen normal since before the fall of Adam. I have so many alarming feelings running through me as I write to you. I want to say before I start that I’m not a conspiracy theory guy, or to be part of end-time radicalism. I wasn’t born again during the scare you to Jesus doctrine of missing the rapture. But, I feel that Bible truth has been staring all of us in the face for the last three months. The Apostle Peter writes in 2 Peter 3:3-4, “Knowing this first; that scoffers will come in the last days, walking according to their own lusts; and saying, “Where is the promise of His coming? For since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of creation.” The promise of His coming has been seen over the last three months. I personally believe that we haven’t seen the full evidence of this season. Rumors of restriction on travel are coming. You will soon be required to carry a passport and medical records with you if you are traveling by car or plane here in the U.S. For convenience, the suggestion of a computer chip in the back of your right hand or in your forehead is starting to be introduced. (Rev. 13:16-18) There will be all kinds of reasoning for this act, “We will be able to track abducted people” etc… Our American currency will change. We will soon be going to a debit system for everything. And you won't be able to buy or sell without what is being required. The authorities will be saying that we are doing this for the health and well being of the public. Physical money is dirty and carries germs. It’s the beginning of a one-world currency. From this pandemic, we have seen a buying frenzy of toilet paper, paper towels and grocery stores limiting the purchase of steak, chicken two packs pure family. Fear has gripped our society and from this influence, control has become an easy deception. There is an increase in suicides and domestic violence. And people are still afraid to come back to church, there’s been a great falling away. ( Rev. 6:7-17)( 2 Thess. 2) I personally believe that a lot of what has taken place and what will take place has been an effort from the government to see how the church will react. Partners, the church is the biggest problem that the government has. We were given a constitution that states that there should be a separation of church and state. Why? Just like our second amendment rights, to bear arms, we are called to keep the government on track with God’s word. And when the system tries to deviate, we are called to stand up. If there is a time for God’s people to stand up it’s now. There is an assigned blessing that comes into our lives when we stay in agreement with the prophecy of the book of revelation. ( Rev. 1:3) (Ps. 133) Protection and provision! The sons of Issachar discern the times and had wisdom to know what to do. (1 Chr. 12:32) Job was the third son of Issachar, Gen. 46:13, God spoke to Job from a whirlwind. ( Job 38, 40) Or when things seem to be out of control, God was letting Job know that He was in perfect control. The book of Job is considered one of three books of wisdom in the Bible. The other two being Proverbs and Ecclesiastes, written by Solomon. A man chosen to be king over Israel, who realized that the best thing to ask from God was wisdom. We will chase further understanding from the whirlwind next month. Nahum 1:3
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