Chasing the Word of the Lord for 2020 (August Newsletter)
Greetings healed of the Lord. I pray that this month's letter finds you blessed and prospering. I’ve just returned from north Georgia where I was involved with a church for eight nights. The original plan was for me to be there Sunday morning and also for the evening service. Well, the Lord had other plans! His presence sat down on that church and He began to work miracles. Word of Knowledge was reaching thru live streaming and healing people in their living room. So many wonderful things took place. Souls were saved, varicose veins disappeared, ulcers in a man’s mouth disappeared, the presence of the Lord was healing and creating. Prophecy for people was off the hook. I had a word for a man and his wife, that they sold all that they owned and went halfway around the world to serve as missionaries. They finished their conquest and had moved back to the states. They were struggling to find employment, and the Lord said to them that He was going to restore all that they had given up to obey Him. In that same service, another businessman was looking for someone with this man’s skill set, and the connection was made. I could fill this letter with testimony after testimony with what took place. I’ve felt that this type of ministry was ready to break out for a while. I believe we will see more of this, all we have to do is decide to be people influenced by His presence. In Matt. 15, there is much to glean, but the Lord has shone me something that I would like to share with you. A crowd of four thousand people and their families have been with Jesus in the wilderness for “Three Days.” I wrote a book entitled “The 3rd Day, the spirit of Revelation.” I encourage you to go to my website, and download this book for $10.00, it’s worth the read. The information in this book was taken from this storyline. In this new but challenging year, people are asking, “What's the new normal.” I believe when God’s people start acting normal it will be new. When I hear that the latter will be greater than the former, I start asking questions about how this is supposed to happen. In Ezra and in the book of Haggai, we see the restoration of Solomon's temple. Two types of shouts came from the camp of Israel that could be heard for miles. One shout from the older who had seen this temple in its former glory and the younger who was now seeing the temple in its present glory. The suggestion of some is for the present church to look back at the former church and gleam guidance from the past. I believe in learning from all that the Lord has done down through time, but, I also believe in learning from the present-day revelation. There is a way to marry both generations. The older must be looking forward to what God is doing, and the younger must stay excited and appreciative of what God is doing. Jesus desires to feed the people who have been with Him for three days. I believe that the Lord wants to do the same for this present generation, seeing that we are in the third day. He asked His disciples for what they had. His disciples said we have two fish and seven loaves. Nine pieces of provision altogether. Nine is the biblical number that means finality, nine gifts of the Spirit, nine Fruit of the Spirit. They were in the wilderness, and apparently they had the money to buy the provisions needed, they just didn’t have anywhere to buy it. They were in the wilderness under the influence of the wilderness and Jesus was about to change all of that!
Please win souls, the harvest waits on you!
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